Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Beginning of the End

So here I am, out of college with my BA in Liberal Studies and absolutely no idea what to do with my life! I'll admit, I started out as a Theater Major because I've been interested in it for a long time, but being around other people with aspirations to be actors was actually good in that it helped me see that as an interest it was fine but as an educational goal and a career it wasn't going to work.

Theater outside of Drama Camps and the like was very competitive and I noticed a lot of times, the "favorites" always got cast in the lead roles. It made something that used to be fun, not so fun. I had some people I knew who were trying to be discovered professional actors, but even after college were still waiters in Restaurants. I thought to myself, "What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" So between Sophomore and Junior year I decided I wanted to be an Elementary School Teacher because I've always loved interacting with kids and I switched my major to Liberal Studies. I continued on with Liberal Studies and finally got my degree in May 2009.

Over the course of the next two years while pursuing my degree I came to the conclusion that, once again, Teaching was not for me! I did some actual in-class interning and observation hours and OMG it was crazy. 20+ kids jumping all around and constantly bombarding you with questions, parents nagging and blaming you for their kids' problems, funding being cut or linked to test scores, having to plan every little was just too much. So now I don't know what to do.

I feel like something with Theater would still be something I would really enjoy, but having a degree in it seemed pointless, I would still like to do something behind the scenes, even if it's just Administrative Paperwork. Just to be in the Theater would be a dream. Yet I have no idea what that kind of job pays, if there are any positions open, or if I really would like it. I just don't have that much real job experience yet. It doesn't make it any easier that I've been without insurance for almost a year now and I struggle with the pain and stiffness of Rheumatoid Arthritis in my Back, Neck, and Legs. Even simple things are a struggle and I can't afford the treatments and Doctors I used to have before that helped me.

So I'm just kind of stuck right now. I'm open to interning and anything to get my foot in the door but I just don't know where to start. It's so frustrating. I always thought growing up that after College, you could just walk into anything and the world would be full of opportunity, but with the economic downturn and all it's just made things a million times more difficult. I have student loans due and my family is nagging me to find a job, but it's not so easy! It was easy for them but things are different now! And it's especially hard to find a job when you don't even know what it is you're looking for! I'm constantly stressing out, I'm anxious, I can't sleep at night, I'm thinking about everything all at once and I just feel like an avalanche is burying me and I can't get out! I wish I knew what to do. I wish it could be easy.

What do I do?

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